
Haa kusteeyí


The Deishuhíttaan clan is closely related to the Tuq'wedi clan from Tagish. Both these clans eventually merged to become Deishuhíttaan.

Stories about the Deishuhíttaan clan revolve around four daughters of an Angoon woman who married a high-ranking Chilkat man. These sisters left Chilkat and went to Juneau before turning inland and traveling up the Taku River. On the upper Taku, the sisters separated. One married a Tahltan from the Telegraph Creek area; one married an Inland Tlingit from Teslin; one married a Tagish man; and one married a man from Pelly Banks. We know that there were three sisters, with the possibility of a fourth who married the man from Pelly Banks. This story is yet unclear.

The Deishuhíttaan have the beaver as their crest. According to the some of the stories quoted by McClellan, the beaver caused floods in revenge for the way in which he had been treated (".. because it almost killed us, that's why we have the beaver"). Deishuhíttaan claim to own Carcross. The clan may have originated from Angoon.

The Deishuhíttaan are undecided about the meaning of their name (Tuqwedi). One clan member suggests that it refers to cottonwood, which is the favorite food of the beaver.