

About Us

Mission Statement

The Carcross/Tagish First Nation is mandated to protect the environment, health, education and aboriginal rights of our Citizens; to continue to preserve and protect our culture, traditions, and languages; to protect and develop our natural resources and strengthen our economy and the Carcross/Tagish First Nation government for our future generations.


The Carcross/Tagish First Nation became Self-Government in 2006 which means that from that year C/TFN was no longer tied under the Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC).

On the 5th day of October 1997, C/TFN signed their Constitution at the General Assembly of the Carcross/Tagish First Nation held at the community Club in Carcross. The Constitution holds the frame work of C/TFN Government. A copy of the Constitution can be found in the Governance Department.

The Carcross/Tagish First Nation is a Clan-based Government and its administrative structure is organized around the medicine wheel. Every individual or organization has four aspects; the emotional, spiritual, mental and physical. All four of these aspects must be balanced in order for the Self, which is at the centre of the wheel, to be fully functioning. Each Department of C/TFN works to accommodate different aspects of the self to keep the whole First Nation in balance.

The Government of Carcross/Tagish First Nation has 4 main Departments; Capacity Development, Infrastructure, Health & Wellness and Heritage, Land and Natural Resources. The Governance Department sits in the middle and his main goal is to ensure all Departments are working collaboratively together following the mission and guiding objectives of the Self-Government.

C/TFN Traditional Territory extends from the Carcross Cut off, to Carcross, Tagish, Squanga and pass the B.C. boarder. The people of C/TFN are Tlingit & Tagish and are divided into 2 moieties; Wolf & Crow. C/TFN is composed of 6 Clans; Dak`laweidí and Yanÿeidí (from the Wolf moiety) and Kookhittaan, Gaanaxteidí, Ishkahittaan and Deisheetaan (from the Crow moiety).