
Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Unlawful and Prohibited Uses

This Site is strictly for personal and non-commercial use. You may not modify copy, transmit, distribute, display, publish or reproduce this Site or any part thereof for any purpose other than your own personal and non-commercial use.

You agree that your use of the Site, and the information and services provided, will not violate any applicable local, provincial, state, federal, national, international or other laws, including but not limited to any regulations having the force of law. Some jurisdictions may have restrictions on the use of the internet by their residents.

You agree that you will not use this Site, and the information and services provided, for any purpose that is prohibited by these Terms of Use. Actions that you agree not to take include, without limitation: (i) taking or attempting to take any action that grants or would grant you access to the Site to an extent greater that authorized by C/TFN; (ii) taking or attempting to take any action that results or would result in any unauthorized modification, addition or deletion to the Site; (iii) taking or attempting to take any action that violates or would violate the security of the Site; (iv) taking or attempting to take any action that imposes or would impose an unreasonable or excessively large load on the Site's resources or infrastructure; (v) knowingly providing false or misleading information to C/TFN.

Privacy Policy

C/TFN is committed to respecting the privacy of individuals who visit our website.

This is our Privacy Statement that describes why and how we collect, use, and disclose personal information that you choose to provide to us on our website. This Privacy Statement does not extend to anyone who is not under our control or management. Such entities may have their own privacy statements and/or policies that may differ from ours.

What is "personal information"?

The Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act, Revised Statues of Yukon, 2002, Chapter 1 defines personal information as; “personal information” means recorded information about an identifiable individual, including:

  • the individual’s name, address, or telephone number,
  • the individual’s race, national or ethnic origin, colour, or religious or political beliefs or associations,
  • the individual’s age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, or family status,
  • an identifying number, symbol, or other particular assigned to the individual,
  • the individual’s fingerprints, blood type, or inheritable characteristics,
  • information about the individual’s health care history, including a physical or mental disability,
  • information about the individual’s educational, financial, criminal, or employment history,
  • anyone else’s opinions about the individual, and,
  • the individual’s personal views or opinions, except if they are about someone else

How will we collect personal information?

You are under no obligation to disclose any personal information to us at any time. However, if you wish to take advantage of certain website features, we will ask you to fill out a form. In the process you may be asked to enter your beneficiary number, name, address, country, postal code or zip code, phone, fax and/or email.

Some features of the website require some personal information to work – for example, if you wish to access the Citizens only feature of the Site, then we will need certain information.

The information you choose to give us will enable us to provide you with information, assistance and services, and to better tailor our website and services provided by our Government.

How do we use and disclose personal information?

If you choose to provide us with any personal information, we will keep that information stored securely on our system and will only use it in accordance with the law. Any personal information that you give us will only be used for the purpose of sending you C/TFN publications, notices and promotions, questionnaires, and to respond to your comments or inquiries. Except for the foregoing, you will not be on any mailing lists.

From time to time we may use your personal information to create aggregate summaries of general demographic information for statistical and research purposes. We will not share these summaries with any other entity.

Any personal contact information you provide to C/TFN as part of a request for information will be kept by C/TFN only for the purpose of providing the information in response to a request. C/TFN will track types of enquiries and origination of enquiry; however, only in cases where C/TFN has been given permission will it maintain personal information for market research or marketing purposes. This is in accordance with Canada's Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL).