

COVID-19 Announcement

Monday, March 16th 2020

Carcross/Tagish First Nation (C/TFN) is taking a cautionary approach to plan and prepare for the COVID-19 virus.

Of paramount concern, is the protection of our Elders’ health and C/TFN encourages all Citizens to:

  • wash hands frequently,
  • don’t touch your face, mouth or eyes,
  • cough or sneeze into your arm or with a tissue,
  • avoid gatherings, with even small numbers of people,
  • practice ensuring that there is a distance of 2 metres (or 6 ft.) between yourself and others, and
  • monitor yourself and others for symptoms of coughing, fever and aches.

The situation is changing rapidly and we want to be prepared as circumstances change. Presently C/TFN Executive Council has decided to cancel all gatherings (meetings, events, dinners…) with 20 or more people until the end of this week. C/TFN will reassess this situation and provide further information by Friday March 20th 2020.

We are taking steps to ensure the safety of all Citizens and staff, including increased sanitary work place procedures, options for sick leave benefits, and social distancing criteria. We are cooperating in full with the Carcross Health Centre to ensure the health of all Citizens, including the most vulnerable (Elders and people with pre-existing conditions).

We care about our Citizens and staff please watch for more information. We expect to hear further news from the Canadian and Yukon governments later today, and will keep everyone up to date.

For more information, please contact;

Daphne Pelletier Vernier
Carcross/Tagish First Nation Communications Coordinator
Governance Department
(867)821-4251 ext. 8235,

Good sources of information include:

BC Centre for Disease Control: